All weekend LeeAnn searched the house for clues. She had found an old magnifying glass I used for bug collecting and my husbands flashlight. She examined every nook and cranny of the house, exclaiming over footprints and little knickknacks that pointed to the answer she sought, Cookies! Daddy helped her make them.
Today I decided to show her even smaller things that are all around us, the microscopic world. Yo Gabba Gabba has already introduced the topic for me; icky, yucky germs. I showed her pictures on the internet of real germs and bacteria and we talked about why we don’t eat off the floor and wash our hands. Did you know we can have about 5 million bacteria hanging out between our fingertips and elbows, yuck!
For the crafting portion of our day I looked up some pictures of germs and bacteria for her to look at and let her print out her favorite. We then rolled out modeling clay and spread it around a golf ball size wiffle ball. Then using the materials we had we decorated the balls using its holes. Set it aside to dry, or dismantle and play again.
This is a good way to discuss germs and hand washing with your children. LeeAnn is more conscientious about washing her hands now, and less likely to eat off the floor. It may not last, but we can always play again!
Germ models
Images of Germs from the Internet
Golf Ball Sized Wiffle Ball
Rolling Pin
Modeling Clay
Pipe Cleaners
- Look up images of microscopic germs using Google image.
- Look up images of microscopic germs using Google image.
- Roll out the modeling clay into a flat circle
- Wrap it around the waffle ball

- Roll in hand to smooth onto ball.
- You and you child manipulate the materials to look like the appendages on the outside of the germs. Stick them in the holes of the waffle ball.
- You can leave out to air dry or dismantle and make another germ.
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